© National Instruments Corporation Index-3 SCXI-1122 User Manual
Mmanual. See documentation.
MCH0± signal, 3-11, 3-12
MIO-16 boards
SCXIbus to SCXI-1122 rear signal
connector to DAQ board pin
equivalences (table), 3-13
MISO line, 2-3
module configuration. See configuration.
Module ID Register, 2-3, 4-3
NNI-DAQ driver software, 1-2 to 1-3, 2-6
noise immunity, 3-5
Oopen-collector driver, 2-3
operation of SCXI-1122. See theory of
optional equipment, 1-4 to 1-5
OUTREF signal, 3-11, 3-12
Pparts locator diagram, 2-2
PC-LPM-16 board
SCXIbus to SCXI-1122 rear signal
connector to DAQ board pin
equivalences (table), 3-13
physical specifications, A-3
pin assignments
front connector (illustration), 3-3
rear signal connector (illustration), 3-10
pin equivalences,
SCXIbus to SCXI-1122 rear signal
connector to DAQ board (table), 3-13
Rrear signal connector
analog output signal connections, 3-11
to 3-12
digital I/O signal connections, 3-12
to 3-13
pin assignments (illustration), 3-10
SCXIbus interface, 4-3
SCXIbus to SCXI-1122 rear signal
connector to DAQ board pin
equivalences (table), 3-13
signal descriptions, 3-11
register-level programming, 1-4
Address Handler Register, 4-3
Configuration Register, 4-3
Module ID Register, 2-3, 4-3
Status Register, 2-3, 4-3
avoiding mechanical wear, 3-7 to 3-8
illustration, 3-8
life expectancy, 3-7
resistors. See current-loop receivers.
SSCANCLK signal, 3-11, 3-13
block diagram, 4-2
features, 1-1
kit contents, 1-1
major components, 4-3
optional equipment, 1-4 to 1-5
purpose, 1-1
software programming choices, 1-2 to 4
unpacking, 1-5
SCXIbus connector, 4-3
SCXIbus interface, 4-3
SCXIbus to SCXI-1122 rear signal
connector to DAQ board pin equivalences
(table), 3-13
SENSE- signal, 3-4, 4-5
SENSE+ signal, 3-4, 4-5
SERCLK signal, 3-11, 3-12
SERDATIN signal, 3-11, 3-12
SERDATOUT signal, 2-3, 3-11, 3-12
signal connections
digital signal connections, 2-3
front connector
AC-coupled signal connection with
high common-mode voltage
(illustration), 3-7
analog input channel signal
connections, 3-5 to 3-8
avoiding relay wear (illustration), 3-8
excitation channel signal
connections, 3-8 to 3-9
floating AC-coupled signal
connection referenced to chassis