© National Instruments Corporation Index-1 SCXI-1122 User Manual


+5 V signal, 3-4


AC-coupled signal connection with high
common-mode voltage (illustration), 3-7
Address Handler Register, 4-3
analog circuitry, 4-3 to 4-7
analog input channels, 4-3
excitation output channels, 4-3 to 4-7
analog configuration, 2-3 to 2-5
current-loop receivers, 2-4 to 2-5
jumper settings (table), 2-4
analog input channel signal connections, 3-5
to 3-8
AC-coupled signal connection with high
common-mode voltage
(illustration), 3-7
connecting external resistors, 3-7
floating AC-coupled signal connection
referenced to chassis ground
(illustration), 3-6
floating signal connection referenced to
chassis ground (illustration), 3-6
ground-referenced signal connection
with high common-mode voltage
(illustration), 3-6
analog input channels
sense/current output channel associations
(illustration), 4-4
specifications, A-1 to A-3
theory of operation, 4-3 to 4-4
analog output signal connections, 3-11
to 3-12
AOGND signal, 3-11


custom cables, 1-5
optional equipment (table), 1-4
equipment requirements, 5-1 to 5-2
excitation calibration, 4-4, 5-4
gain and offset calibration, 5-2 to 5-3
overview, 5-1
CH-(0:15) signal, 3-4
CH+(0:15) signal, 3-4
configuration. See also installation.
analog configuration, 2-3 to 2-5
current-loop receivers, 2-4 to 2-5
digital signal connections, 2-3
jumper settings
analog configuration, 2-4
digital signal connections, 2-3
parts locator diagram, 2-2
Configuration Register, 4-3
current (IEX) excitation channel, 3-8
current-loop receivers, 2-4 to 2-5
procedure for, 2-5
shock hazard related to, 2-5
user-defined current receiver resistors
(table), 2-4 to 2-5
custom cables, 1-5
customer communication, xii, B-1


DAQD*/A signal, 3-11, 3-12
DIGGND signal, 3-11, 3-13
digital control circuitry, 4-3
digital I/O signal connections, 3-12 to 3-13
configuration, 2-3
digital timing signals, 3-13
emulation of SCXIbus communication
signals, 3-12
SCXIbus to SCXI-1122 rear signal
connector to DAQ board pin
equivalences (table), 3-13
specifications and ratings, 3-13
conventions used, x
National Instruments documentation
set, xi
organization of manual, ix
related documentation, xi