Chapter 3 VirtualBench-Logger
Getting Started with VirtualBench 3-2
National Instruments Corporation
The front panel of VirtualBench-Logger has the following features:
Strip Chart Display—displays the logged data.
Y-Axis Select Controls—selects which channel Y scale to display
on either the left or right Y axis of the Strip Chart Display.
Status Display—shows the Current Time, Start Time, and Stop
Time of the current data acquisition.
Channel Select Control—selects which channels to display on the
Strip Chart Display. You can use the Labels/Values radio buttons
below the Channel Select control to switch between the Channel
Labels and the Channel Values.
Legend Control—changes the trace attributes of each Display
Channel. Clicking on a trace in the Legend Control brings up a
menu that allows you to make changes to the Point Style, Line
Style, Interpolation method, and Color of the trace.
Acquire Data Controls
Logging On/Off—starts or stops logging of data to disk when
you run the instruments.
Clear Chart—clears the Strip Chart Display. Clicking on this
button does not affect the acquisition of data.
Start—starts the acquisition of data using the current logger
Stop—stops the acquisition of data and data logging when
Pause—temporarily stops the flow of data to the Strip Chart
and Log file when enabled.
Performance Indicator—shows how efficiently
VirtualBench-Logger is running in data acquisition mode. You
should strive to keep VirtualBench-Logger running as efficiently as
possible. As the performance decreases, the indicator turns red to
indicate poor performance. When the performance reaches 0, an
error message pops up and the Logger stops collecting data.
Note: Please refer to the VirtualBench-Logger Online Help for additional help on
the front panel items. Page 2 Friday, February 28, 1997 3:21 PM