I'm confused, some of the

128 bit WEP devices can be used with 40 or 64 bit

wireless devices say they

WEP devices as long as the device driver has a way to

are using 40 bit

set the lower encryption level. The encryption level

encryption, others say

is determined by the encryption key length. If a

they are using 128 bit

device is capable of 128 bit encryption, it is also

and/or 64 bit. Are these

capable of 40 bit, unless the vendor decides for some

encryption levels

reason not allow the lower encryption level.

compatible with each



64 bit WEP is the same as 40 bit WEP. The lower



level of WEP encryption uses a 40 bit 10 hex


character secret key set by the user and a 24 bit


Initialization Vector which is not under user control.


Some vendors refer to this level of WEP as 40 bit,


others as 64 bit. Either way, they're the same


encryption level and can interoperate.


The higher level of WEP encryption, commonly


referred to as 128 bit WEP, actually uses a 104 bit ,


26 hex character secret key, set by the user and a 24


bit Initialization Vector which is not under user





Problems Associating

Follow the instructions below if your client adapter

with an Access Point

fails to associate with an access point.


I. If possible, move your workstation a few feet closer


to the access point and try again.


II. Make sure the NWH4010 USB adapter cable is


securely inserted in the computer's USB port and the


USB adapter.


III. Check that the access point is powered on and




IV. Check that all parameters are set properly for both


the USB client adapter and the access point. These


include the SSID, WEP activation, network type,


channel, etc.



36InstantWave 11Mbps Wireless Networking Cards