Client Installation
Now, you are ready to use TAPI application from your client PC. To test your client installation, launch Phone Dialer from Start=>Programs=>Accessories. Enter a number to call in the Number to Dial box and then click on Dial button. If the installation is correct, your extension should ring and once you pick up the telephone handset, the system will dial the number you entered and you will be connected to that number.
If it does not work or if you need to change any of your configuration parameters,
•Go to Start=>Settings=>Control Panel=>Telephony. (In the case of Windows 2000, go to Start=>Settings=>Control Panel=>Modem and Phone Options)
•Click on the Telephony Drivers tab. (In the case of Windows 2000, click on the Advanced tab)
•You should see an entry called Communications Service Provider. Choose this entry and click on the Configure button.
•You will get a dialog box with an entry for your extension. Select that entry, and click on the Configure button.
•You will now see a dialog that displays all of the detected devices from NCS Serv. Click on the Configure button. You will get a dialog box with an entry for your extension.
•To change any parameters, you should delete this entry and create a new entry with the new values.
•To delete an entry, click on the Extension button. In the new dialog box, enter the extension number and password of the entry you want to delete and click on the Delete button.
•To add an entry, click on the Extension button. In the new dialog box, enter the extension number and password of the entry you want to add and click on the Add button.