filtering content 34
inbound rules 43
firmware, upgrading 50 at log in 18 automatic check 50 manually 51
front panel 8
LEDs described 9
FTP, sharing files using 59
host name 21 host, trusted 38
inbound firewall rules 43
manual setup 20 Setup Wizard 19
Internet connection troubleshooting 91
Internet connection status 81 Internet light, troubleshooting and 89 Internet port 19
Internet port, no connection 23
Internet Service Provider (ISP), see ISP Internet traffic statistics 83
IP address 64, 65 DHCP 16 LAN service 71 reserved 72
IP setup, LAN 71 IPv6 81
account information 16 ISP login 16
keywords, blocking traffic using 37
label, product 10 LAN ports 54 LAN setup 71 language setting 19 lease, DHCP 55 LEDs
N750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router WNDR4000 User Manual
verifying cabling 13
logging in
changing password 23 ISP 16
router 17 types 24
upgrade firmware 18 logs 35, 36
logs, emailing 42
MAC address spoofing 22
MAC address, product label 10
MAC addresses described 27 filtering by 76 restricting access by 75
maintenance settings 49 managing router remotely 76 manual logout 24
manual setup 20
Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU) 68 menus, described 18
metric, number of routers 79
correct settings, checking 89 restarting 88
network folder creating 63 editing 60
Network Time Protocol (NTP) 40, 92 no Internet connection 23
online help, router 18 outbound firewall rules 38
passphrase, product label 10
password restoring 93
passwords, see passphrases
plug and play, universal (UPnP) 80