User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311
4-8 Configuration
b. Assuming the target PC is configured with as its IP address, type ping -t and then click OK.
c. This will cause a continuous ping to be sent to the device with the static IP
address. The ping response should change to “reply.”
At this point the connection is established.
You may need to reboot in certain Windows operating systems such as Windows 98SE.
Note: If you cannot connect, see “Basic Troubleshooting Tips” on page3-12. Also, if you
have problems accessing network resources, the Windows Client and File and Print Sharing
software might not be installed and configured properly on your computers. Please refer to
“Preparing Your Computers for TCP/IP Networking” on pageC-1.
Enabling Wireless Security FeaturesYou can strengthen the security of your wireless connection by enabling encryption of the wireless
data communications. This table summarizes the available security options of your NETGEAR
RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311.
For more information on 802.11 wireless security, see Appendix B, “Wireless Networking Basics.
The procedures below identify how to configure the encryption settings of your NETGEAR
RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311.
Table 4-1. Wireless Security Options
Field Description
WE P WE P offers the following options: 64 - or 12 8-bit WE P D ata Encryption.
C ho ose the En cry pti on S tren gth (6 4- o r 12 8- bi t da ta en cry pti on) . M a nu all y e nter the k ey
values or enter a word or group of printable cha racters in the Pa ssphrase box. M anu ally
entered keys are case sensitive but passph rase characters are not case sensitive.
WP A-PSK WP A-Pre-shared Key , uses 1 28-bit data encryption and dynam ically changes the encryption
keys making it nearly impossible to circumvent.
Enter a word or group of printable characters in the Password Phrase box. These characters
are case sensitive.