

fuanitureArrange.the speakersso thatthe distancebetweenthe listenerand the centerof the speakerplaneis '1.5 timesthedistancebetweenthespeakers.Thisconfigurationputsthe listenerinthecenterof thestereoimage.Begin yourlisteningby sittingcenteredbehveenthespeakers.Whilelisteningto thefirstseleciion,closeyoureyesandlisten for imagefocusanddepthof soundbetweenthe speakerc-Balancethis imagefocusanddeplhwithapparentstage width,listeningfor soundbeyondlhe boundariesof the left and rightspeakers. Play all three recordingsbefore completingthisstep.

Image Focus: Thelocalizabilityof a pafticularmusicaleventin the soundfield(e.g.,the bassis to theleft, the saxophone is to the ight, and thepiano is centeredbetweenthem).

Depth of sound: The sensationthat one musicaleventoccurcbehindanother. Themusicshouldnl seemconfinedto a flat planebetweenthe speakers(e.9.,thepianois centercdbehindthe bassand saxophone).

3.Determinefineplacementby movingthespeakersinwardor outwardfromeachother

N,,lovethe VT-3sno morethan l" eithertowardor awayfromeachother Initially,makesurethatthe speakersare pa€llelto eachother.Playthesamethreerecordingsagain,listeningforimagefocus,stagewidthanddepth.Evaluate whetherthereis an impfovementlf. the overallperformanceis imprcved,markthe positionwitha pieceof masking tape,andcontinuethisprocessunlilyouhavedeterminedthebestbalanceof imaging,depthandsoundstagewidth.

A smalldegreeof toe-inmaybe necessaryto obtainthebestimagefocus. Determinethetoe-inafleryouaresatisfied withthedepthandwidthof thesoundstage.No morethan10 degreesshouldbe required(i.e.,the outsidecornerof thespeakeris about1"fartherfromthefrontwallthantheinsidecorner).


Nowthatyouhavethespeakefsin thebesfsoundingposition,installthemetalconeson to lhe stabilizerbars(referto SpikeKitinstallationabove). Onceall four conesare installed,recheckyour measurements,makingsurethat the speakersarestillexactlywhereyouwantthem.

5, Adjustspoakertilt.


















sure). Experimentwiththeverticalaxisby raisingandlowerlng jn ear levelin the listening

At one

particularverticalposition,youmaynoticemoreambienceanddepth thesound6tagelf. theimprovem€occufsnt







areata lower







on the r€arstabilizerbar, Likewise,if the improvedsoundoccurswhen

6arsars at a higher


."' theh€ightatthoffontofthespeakerbyslowlyunscrewingihetwomelalconesonthoftontstabilizerbar,Besurenot tounscrewtoomuch,ortheconesmaycomeoff.

6. Finalpointsto rem€mber

Youmaywantto r€peatthosotupproc€duresatsom€pointafteryouhavea chanceto livewiththeW-3sfora while. Youwill find that subtleimprov€mentscan be madethatyou may haveoverlookedduringthe initialset-up. Experimentationisthekeytofindlngthebestarrangementsin yourlisteningenvhonmontBo.patient,havefun,and rememberthatsmallchangesin speakerpositioncansometimeshavea significantefroctonthesound.ln addition, roomfurnishingsplayan importantrolein absorbingandreflectingsoundwavesMidrange.andhighfrequenciesin particularwillbe absorbedby softfurnishingssuchas sofas,carpetsandcurtains.A largenumberof thesesofl furnishingswilldr.illthesound,whilea "live"roomwithfewfurnishingswillbrightenthesound.

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NHT VT-3 warranty

VT-3 specifications

The NHT VT-3 is a prominent offering from NHT (Now Hear This), a brand renowned for its dedication to high-fidelity audio. These compact speakers are designed for those who demand quality sound without compromising on space or aesthetics. The VT-3 serves as an exceptional solution for music enthusiasts and home theater systems alike.

One of the standout features of the NHT VT-3 is its two-way design, which comprises a 1-inch silk dome tweeter and a 6.5-inch polypropylene woofer. This combination ensures a broad frequency response, allowing for crisp highs and robust lows. The silk dome tweeter is engineered to deliver clear and detailed highs, while the woofer’s polypropylene cone provides punchy bass, making it suitable for a variety of music genres and movie soundtracks.

The VT-3 is also equipped with advanced crossover technology. The carefully designed crossover network allows for seamless integration between the woofer and tweeter, resulting in a cohesive soundstage and minimized distortion. This attention to detail ensures that listeners can enjoy an immersive audio experience that brings their favorite media to life.

Another notable characteristic of the VT-3 is its stylish cabinet. Constructed out of high-quality MDF (medium-density fiberboard), the cabinet is designed not only to look elegant but to also reduce unwanted vibrations. The speakers are available in various finishes, including black and cherry, allowing them to blend seamlessly with different interior designs while maintaining their sonic integrity.

The versatility of the VT-3 is also worth mentioning. Ideal for both bookshelf placement and as part of a home theater setup, these speakers can perform well in various environments. They can be used in stereo setups for music listening or integrated with subwoofers for enhanced bass response during movie viewing.

Moreover, the NHT VT-3 features high-quality binding posts that ensure secure connections and compatibility with a range of amplifiers. This allows audiophiles to fine-tune their systems to achieve their desired sound quality.

In summary, the NHT VT-3 is a remarkable speaker that combines advanced technology with exquisite design. Its two-way design, quality materials, and versatile applications make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to elevate their audio experience. Whether used in a casual listening environment or a dedicated home theater, the VT-3 stands as a testament to NHT's commitment to creating high-performance audio solutions.