ALive View Display Options
Press the R button to cycle through display options as shown below.
The options available
depend on the setting selected for Custom Setting d7 (Live view display options; 0161).
Show indicators Hide indicators Framing grid Show shooting info
APositioning the Monitor
The monitor can be adjusted for self-portraits or for low- or high-angle shots.
Low-angle shots High-angle shots Self-portraits
Frame shots with the camera
close to the ground.
Frame shots while holding
the camera over your head.
Monitor shows mirror image
of what will appear in final
AExposure Compensation
In P, S, and A modes, exposure can be adjusted by ±5 EV in inc rements of 1/3EV (090).
that the effects of values over +3EV or under –3 EV can not be previewed in the monitor.
When the camera is attached to an HDMI video device, the
camera monitor will turn off and the video device will display
the view through the lens as shown at right.