Manipulate two centering screws until the image of the illumination field diaphragm comes to the center.
You need not mind about a slight deviation from this centering caused
by switching over to other objectives because this will not produce any objectionable result.
For usual case of observation with objectives from 4X to lOOX
Make exact adjustment, depending upon the magnification of the objec- tive being used, by switching the
Objective | magnification | 4X | 1 0 - 2 0 X |
| 40 - lOOX |
Position | of the | L | M | i | H |
| i |
When using an objective 3X or lower, set the
The illumination for the Model
8.Other Light Sources
When using any other light source outside of the microscope, replace the illumination field lens with the accessory reflecting mirror, as shown in Fig. 12.
9.Filter Case
A filter of the diameter 45mm can be mounted on the illumination field
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lens. A filter of the diameter 33mm can be placed in the condenser or in the filter case of the microscope. This filter case to be attached onto the microscope base is available on order.
1.Focusing Adjustment
The microscope model
13). Forward rotation of either of the focusing knobs by the operator raises the microscope stage and vice versa (Fig. 13, 14).
2.Eyepiece Adjustment
When using a binocular or trinocular eyepiece tube for observation the adjustment of the user's
After focusing with your right eye by raising or lowering the microscope stage, turn the adjusting ring left or right to obtain the sharp image with your left eye, too. Then, regulate the interpupillary distance of the bino- cular or trinocular tube by sliding the eyepieces left or right by means of the knob (Fig. 15), until the viewfields of both eyepieces merge together. It will be advantageous to memorize the attained diopter and inter- pupillary distance readings for future use.
The red dot engraved on the interpupillary distance scale indicates the position where the mechanical tube length becomes exactly 160mm. The HK (high eyepoint type) eyepieces have an eyecup on top, the rotation of
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