22Step4 Viewing and Deleting Pictures

L Playback: and Photography Basic

Full-Frame Playback

Press i.

The last picture taken will be displayed. Press the multi selector G, H, I, or J to view additional pictures.

For information on using the multi selector, see “Multi Selector” (c 8).

Pictures may be displayed briefly at low resolu- tion while being read from the memory card or internal memory.

Press i again or press the shutter-release but- ton to switch to shooting mode.

When M is displayed, pictures stored in the internal memory will be displayed. When mem- ory card is inserted, Mis not displayed and pic- tures stored on the memory card will be displayed.

Deleting Pictures

Internal memory indicator

15/05/2007 15:30 9999.JPG

4 / 4

Mode (Auto)

1 Press T to delete the picture currently displayed in the monitor.

2 Press the multi


selector G or H to

Erase 1 image?

choose [Yes] and



press d.


• To exit without delet-


ing the picture, choose



[No] and press d.


For information on using the multi selector, see “Multi Selector” (c 8).