Status | Cause/solution | 0 | |
| Flashes 4 times over 0.5 sec. | The camera does not |
| support CLS. Flash cannot | — | |
| at intervals of 0.5 sec. | be used. Use a CLS- | |
| ||
| compatible camera. |
| • |
| control mode is set |
| on the master flash |
| unit. Change the flash |
| control mode to an |
| operable flash control |
| mode. |
| • The remote flash |
| unit light sensor has |
| failed to receive the |
Flash has not |
| command light from |
| the master flash unit. |
| |
fired | Flashes 4 times over 0.5 sec. |
| |
This is because the light |
| ||
| ||
| at intervals of 0.5 sec. for | sensor cannot detect | |
| approx. 6 sec.*2 | when to stop firing in |
| sync with the master |
| flash unit, either due |
| to a reflection from the |
| remote flash unit itself |
| or light from another |
| remote flash unit that |
| may have entered the |
| light sensor window. |
| Change the direction |
| or position of the |
| remote flash unit and |
| reshoot. |
*2 When used in remote mode |
Tips on Speedlight Care and Reference Information