Lens hood HN-24 10. Aperture-direct-readout scale
Focusing/zooming ring 11. Depth-of-field scale
Distance scale 12. Focal length scale
Macro range line (orange) 13. Mounting ring
Infrared index 14. Aperture ring
6. Distance scale index 15. EE servo coupling post
Aperture index 16. Meter coupling shoe
8. Aperture scale 17. Aperture index post
9. Meter coupling ridge
(Read the following carefully and get the most out of your new lens now and in the
many years to come.)
Your new Zoom-Nikkor 100-300mm F/5.6 is a versatile, easy-to-operate, high per-
formance zoom lens, offering a variety of focal lengths from moderate telephoto
100mm to telephoto 300mm over its 3X zoom range. Use it to shoot regular snapshots
and souvenir photos, for portraits and close-up photography—with this new Zoom-
Nikkor, focusing and zooming are quick and easy: you just turn the ring to focus and
push or pull it to zoom. Normal focusing goes from infinity (°°) down to 2m (7ft), and
for close-ups, just set the lens at 100mm and you can get continuous focusing all the
way down to 0.71m (2.3ft). For even greater magnification, just add on the optional
Nikon Close-Up Lens No. 5T or No. 6T. And for special effects, there's a variety of op-
tional filters, all at the 62mm size.
Constructed of the highest quality Nikon glass, this zoom lens produces sharp images
with high contrast at every focal length, with all aberrations well corrected. In addi-
tion, Nikon Integrated Coating (NIC) is applied to all air-to-glass surfaces of the lens
elements to minimize ghost images and flare and heighten natural colors.
With suitably equipped Nikon cameras, this lens offers "Automatic Maximum Aperture
Indexing" (AI). The meter-coupling ridge and automatic diaphragm function together
to permit full aperture exposure measurement. For non-AI type Nikon cameras, this
lens is also fitted with a meter coupling shoe to permit the same operation.
Position the lens in the camera's bayonet mount, aligning the black aperture index ®
on the lens with the lens mounting index on the camera.
Then, twist the lens counterclockwise until it clicks into place. To remove, depress the
lens release button on the camera and twist the lens clockwise.
Note: When mounting the lens on an Al-type camera with a meter coupling lever, make
sure the lever is in the "down" position; when mounting on a camera without this lever
(non-AI type), "manual" maximum aperture indexing is required. For more informa-
tion, refer to the camera's instruction manual.
With its single control ring, this lens lets you both focus and zoom in and out rapidly in
one smooth operation.
To focus, while looking through the camera's viewfinder, turn the focusing/zooming
ring ® until the image on the focusing screen appears sharp and crisp.
To zoom in and out, look through the viewfinder and slide the focusing/zooming ring
back and forth until your desired composition is framed on the focusing screen. As the
ring is pushed backward for longer focal lengths, four positions-lOOmm, 135mm,
200mm and 300mm-appear on the lens barrel to show the focal length at which the
lens is set. Intermediate settings are also possible.