S P E A K E R S E L E C T I O N / V O L U M E C O N T R O L S Y S T E M
not to overdrive or "clip" your amplifier. If the sound becomes muddy or distorted, you have reached the limit of your amplifier's volume capability and should quickly reduce the volume to avoid damaging your speakers.
7.Using the appropriate volume control on the front of the
8.You can turn off the speakers by turning the appropriate volume control on the
9.You can switch to the other amplifier by pressing the amplifier A/B button.
Playing Two or More Speaker Pairs Simultaneously
1.Make sure both of the amplifiers are OFF and set the vol- ume controls to minimum.
2.On the right side of the
You will need to activate the SVL- 4AB's PROTECTION button whenever the overall system impedance might fall below