S P E A K E R S E L E C T I O N / V O L U M E C O N T R O L S Y S T E M
The SVL-6 includes impedance correction circuitry which protects your receiver or amplifier from low impedance loads. The circuitry assures that your receiver or amplifier will see a safe operating load, even when all six speaker pairs are playing at the same time.
The actual impedance load the SVL-6 presents to your receiv- er or amplifier will vary, depending on how many speaker pairs are playing, and the impedance rating of each speaker. If you have six pairs of 8-ohm speakers playing, the SVL-6 will present a 4.3 ohm impedance load to your receiver/amplifier. With six pairs of 4-ohm speakers playing, the load drops to slightly under 4 ohms.
If you intend to use the SVL-6 with more than two pairs of 4-ohm speakers, it is recommended that you verify that the receiver or amplifier is capable of driving a 4-ohm load. Consult your Niles dealer, or the receiver/amplifier manu- facturer, if you are uncertain about the capabilities of the receiver/amplifier.
Type of Speaker Wire
For most applications, we recommend you use 16 or 18 gauge stranded copper speaker wire for the SVL-4 connec- tions. For wiring runs longer than 80 feet, 14 gauge wire is recommended. Using speaker wire larger than 14 gauge for the SVL-6 connections is not recommended—the wire may