Viewing the Game Screen and Saving Ghost DataSaving Downloaded Ghost Data
* Note: If it takes you too long to complete the
race, or if you fail to beat ghost data you have
loaded, new ghost data will not be saved.
* Once ghost data has been overwritten, it can
never be loaded again.
Kart Path
Ghost Path
If you already have ghost data
saved for the same track, your
ghost data will be erased and the
new ghost data will replace it.

Receive Ghost

After choosing who you'll
receive ghost data from,
choose Yes to begin
downloading. Choose No
to choose someone else to
download from.
After choosing the data,
choose Yes on the
confirmation screen to
begin sending that data.
Choose No to return to the
ghost-selection screen.
Choose Sender
Downloading... Data Transfer Fails
Choose the ghost data you
want to erase and chose Yes to erase that data. Choose No to
select a new person to download from.
Your friend begins
Once the download is
complete, choose End to
return to the Time Trials

Send Ghost

Choose Ghost Data
Sending... Data Transfer Fails
Data Transfer Succeeds Data Transfer Succeeds
Begin Downloading

Any time you set a new record on a track,

your performance will automatically be

saved as ghost data. If you have ghost

data saved, you can race against your

own ghost to improve your time.

Choose Send Ghost to send your own ghost data to your

friend. Choose Receive Ghost to download ghost data from

your friend. See the next page for the steps involved.

You can save up to 32 of your own ghosts and up to 10 of your friends’.
You can save only one set of ghost data per track. Your best record will be saved as your
own ghost data. Your friend’s ghost data will overwrite your ghost data regardless of
which one is better.
Save Space is Available No Save Space is Available