Correspondence regarding this guide should be addressed directly to HanaHo Games, Inc. 13854 Bentley Place - Cerritos, California 90703. (Sales@hanaho.com)
The HotRod Joystick™ logo, is a trademark of HotRod Joystick Company. CrazyClimber™ is trademark of Nichibutsu. BattleZone™ is | a |
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are trademarks of Namco. NeoGeo™ is a trademark of SNK Corporation. StreetFighter™ is a trademark of Capcom Games licensed by H | anaHo |
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Copyright ©1999, HanaHo Games Inc. All Rights Reserved
Document 2.0 (10/15/99) HotRod Joystick Manual.PDF written by HanaHo Games, Inc.