Advanced Terminal Customization
C.4 - Registry Edits The configuration of a windows based terminal is held in the 'Registry'.
This registry can be edited to change certain operating characteristics.
Use SNMPadm version 1.83.7 or above to edit the registry.
C.4.1 - Disable Browser Address Bar
Terminal versions: E5404 or above.
For some applications, it may be desirable to limit the user's access to the
address bar. This may be useful in a kiosks or intranet application.
To disable the address bar, the registry must be modified. A dword value
"Disable AddressBar" must be added as follows:
Explorer\Main\Disable AddressBar'
0 = disabled
1 = enabled
A simple way to implement this change would be to use the following
• create a new, empty registry by pressing the "New Setting" icon in
the Remote Setting tab
• create the tree:
• create the dword: Disable AddressBar
• enter the value of "0" or "1"
• click the SaveAll icon
• rename the file from "NewSetting" to "disable addressbar"
• click the SaveAll icon
• drag/drop this change on to any terminal