Terminal Operation
2.3.2 - Terminal Startup Modes Once a terminal is configured, when powered on operation starts with the Terminal
Manager, a Connect Button (secure connection) or a Connection Task Bar. These
startup modes are selected under the Terminal Properties Security Tab - see 7.8 in
this manual. - Security Login
If Security is enabled and Auto Login was selected, the following screen displays.
While this box is displayed, press Esc to allow login as the Administrator or a
different user (different connections).
If Auto Login is not enabled with Security or if Esc was pressed at the Auto Login
box. The following dialog box is used to login. - Terminal Manager Startup
he Terminal Manager screen is displayed.
If connections are set for AutoStart, they will be started. If not, the user must start the
connections desired.
rom the Terminal Manager screen, press F2 to examine/change the Terminal
roperties. If Security is active and not signed on as Administrator, only the tabs
eneral, Input, Display, Devices, SysInfo, and About will be available for use.