M e s s a g i n g
10. Messaging
The message services can only be used if they are supported by your service provider.
Note: The message sent icon or text on your device screen does not indicate that the message is received at the intended destination.
Important: Exercise caution when opening messages. Messages may contain malicious software or otherwise be harmful to your device or PC.
■Text and picture message settings
Select Menu > Messaging > Message settings > Text messages > Message centers. If your SIM card supports more than one message center, select or add the one you want to use. You may need to get the center number from your service provider.
Select Menu > Messaging > Message settings > Picture messages and from the following:
Delivery reports — Request the network to send delivery reports about your messages (network service)
Image size in picture message — Define the maximum image size used in a picture message.
Default slide timing — Define the default time between slides in picture messages
Allow picture message reception — Select No, Yes, or In home network to use the multimedia service.
Incoming picture messages — Decide how picture messages are retrieved. This setting is not displayed if Allow picture message reception is set to No.