106Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Setting up the phone for a serviceYou may receive the service settings as an OTA message from the network
operator or service provider that offers the service that you want to use. You can
also key in the settings manually or add and edit the settings with PC Suite.
For more information and for appropriate settings, contact your network operator
or service provider that offers the service that you want to use. The settings may
be available, for example, on their website.
Saving the service settings received as an OTA message
When you may be able to receive the service settings as an OTA message, Service
settings received is displayed.
• To save the received settings, press Options and select Save.
If no settings are saved in Active service settings, t he settings are saved under
the first free connection set and are also activated.
If there are settings saved in Active service settings, Activate saved service
settings? will be displayed. To activate the saved settings, press Yes, or to save
them only, press No.
• To view the received settings first, press Options and select View. To save the
settings, press Save.
• To discard the received settings, press Options and select Discar d.
Keying in the service setting s manually
1. Pres s Menu, and select Services, Settings and Connection settings.
2. Se lect Active service settings.