55Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Press Options to get the following options to edit a distribution list:
•View list to view the names in the selected distribution list.
Press Options to edit the content of a distribution list:
•Add contact to add a name to the distribution list.
•View details to view the details of the selected name.
•Delete contact to delete the selected name in the distribution list.
•Add list to add a new distribution list.
•Rename list to rename the selected distribution list.
•Clear list to delete all names in the selected distribution list.
•Delete list to delete the selected distribution list.
If a message failed to send to one or more recipients, the message is stored in
Undelivered, which you can find in the list of Distribution lists. Undelivered is
shown only if there is any failed message. Select Undelivered and press Options to
get the following options to handle the undelivered message:
•Resend to list to resend the message to the failed recipients.
•View list to view the list of failed recipients.
•Delete list to delete the list of failed recipients.
•View message to view the undelivered message.
Message counterWith the message counter you have an overview about the sent and received text