97Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Note that Nokia does not warrant for applications from non-Nokia sites. If you
choose to download applications from them, you should take the same
precautions, for security or content, as you would with any site.

Memory status for games

To view the size of memory available for game and application installations, press
Menu, and select Games and Memory.
The games use shared memory, see Shared memory on page 18.

Game settings

Press Menu, and select Games and Settings to set sounds, lights and shakes for
the game.
Applications (Menu 10)
This menu allows the management of Java applications installed
on your phone. Your phone software includes some Java
applications specially designed for this Nokia phone. Various service providers
offer other applications. Before you can use one of these applications you have to
download it to your phone.
Note: The phone must be switched on to use this function. Do not switch on the
phone when the use of a wireless phone is prohibited or when it may cause
interference or danger.