While performing other functions
Say you want to forward your phone calls to a number that is saved in your phone book. When you are prompted to enter the phone number, you can find it
Editing names and numbers
To edit phone book entries, press Menu 1 3, scroll to the entry you want to edit, then press Edit. Edit the name and number as needed.
Erasing names and numbers
Use Menu 1 7 to erase entries from your phone book. One by one lets you select one entry at a time to be erased. Erase all erases your entire phone book (you are required to enter your security code first).
Finding your own number
Use Menu 1 8 to view your phone’s number.
Scrolling view
Use Menu 1 5 1 to choose a scrolling view for your phone book (Name list, Name+number, or Name only).
Tip: If you’re viewing your phone book and scrolling view is set to Name list or Name only, you can view the phone number associated with a name by pressing
and holding .
Checking available memory
Use Menu 1 5 2 to see how many memory locations are free and how many are being used. (Each memory location holds one phone number and associated name.)