5)Press 2SWLRQV. With (TXDOV highlighted/ press 2.
Note: You can also choose $GG, 6XEWUDFW, 0XOWLSO\, and 'LYLGH from the list of options.
Storing exchange rates
1)Press 0HQX 7, then press 2SWLRQV
2)Press 2. at ([FKDQJH UDWH
3)Press W or V at either +RZ PDQ\ KRPH XQLWV WR D YLVLWHG XQLW or +RZ PDQ\ YLVLWHG XQLWV WR D KRPH XQLW, depending on how you wish to convert the currency. Press 2. once you decide.
4)Enter the appropriate exchange rate and press 2. (use the # key for decimals)
5)Phone will display 5DWH VDYHG
Calculating exchange rates
1)Press 0HQX 7
2)Enter number of units, then press 2SWLRQV
3)Press W or V to either 7R KRPH or 7R YLVLWHG, and press 2.
4)Converted currency will display
The calendar keeps track of reminders, calls you need to make, meetings, and birthdays. It can even sound an alarm when it’s time for you to make a call or go to a meeting.
Remember! Your phone must be switched on to use this feature. Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
Note: Your phone must remain on to use the calendar’s alarm feature. If your phone is off, the alarm will not sound at its scheduled time.