This feature helps to prevent accidental key presses (e.g. when your phone is in your pocket, in your purse) by locking your keypad. If any keys are pressed while
Keyguard is activated, 3UHVV 8QORFN DQG WKHQ - will display.
Activating Keyguard
Press and hold ô
Press 0HQX ∗
Activating Keyguard via the menu
At the start screen,
1)Press 0HQX 9 (.H\JXDUG)
2).H\V ORFNHG will appear on the display
Deactivating Keyguard
Press 8QORFN/ then -
Keyguard can not be activated when your phone is in a car kit or in any handsfree kit.
Note: When Keyguard is 21, calls to the emergency number programmed into your phone (e.g. by pressing 911 then ó) may be possible. However, Emergency key 9 doesn’t work.
Answering a call with Keyguard active
During an incoming call the keypad automatically unlocks. However, you can answer a call only by pressing ó. After you end the call, Keyguard automatically becomes active again.