Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Before using voice commands, note that:
Voice commands are not language dependent. They are dependent on the speaker's
Voice commands are sensitive to background noise. Record and use them in a quiet
Very short voice commands are not accepted. Use longer words and avoid similarities
between different voice commands.
Note: You must say the voice command exactly as you said it when you recorded it.
This may be difficult in, for example, a noisy environment or during an emergency, so you
should not rely solely upon voice commands in all circumstances.
Adding a voice command to an application
1. In the Voice commands main view, scroll to the
application that you want to add a voice command
to, and select Options Add voice command.
Note: To add a voice command to a profile,
the Profiles folder must be opened and a specific
profile selected.
2. The text Press ’Start’, then speak after tone is
Press Start to record a voice command. The
phone sounds a starting tone and the note
Speak now is displayed.