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Moving in the Menu
• Move the joystick up , down , left and
right (shown with blue arrows 1 to 4) to
navigate the Menu.
Opening applications or folders
• Scroll to an application or a folder and press the
centre of the joystick (shown with blue arrow
5) to open it.
Closing applications
• Backstep by pressing Back or Exit as many times as
needed to return to standby mode or select Options→ Exit.
If you press and hold , the phone returns to standby mode and the application is
left open in the background.
Note: Pressing will always end a call, even if another application is active
and displayed.
When you switch the phone off correctly, using the Power key, the phone will
attempt to save any unsaved data and close any applications that are still open.
Hence the process may take a short time.
Rearranging the Menu
You can rearrange the Menu icons as required. You can place more rarely used
applications in folders and move applications that you use more often from a
folder to the main Menu. You can also create new folders.