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In the Bookmarks view, you can see bookmarks pointing to different kinds of
browser pages. Bookmarks are indicated by the following icons:
- The starting page defined for the browser access point. If you use another
browser access point for browsing, the starting page is changed accordingly.
- A bookmark showing the title.
When you scroll through bookmarks, you can see the address of the highlighted
bookmark in the Go to field at the bottom of the display.
Options in the Bookmarks view (when a bookmark or folder is selected): Open,
Download, Back to page, Bookmark manager, Mark/Unmark, Navigation options,
Advanced options, Send, Find bookmark, Details, Settings, Help, and Exit.
Adding bookmarks manually
1. In the Bookmarks view, select Options Bookmark
manager Add bookmark.
2. Start to fill in the fields. Only the address must be
defined. The default access point is assigned to the
bookmark if no other one is selected. Press to
enter special characters such as /, ., :, and @. Press
to clear characters.
3. Select Options Save to save the bookmark.