IM - Instant Messaging (chat)
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
2Enter your user ID and password, and press to log in. You obtain the user ID and
password for IM server from your service provider.
You can select Cancel to stay offline; to log in to the IM server later, select Options→
Login. You cannot send or receive messages while you are offline.
3To log out, select Options→ Logout.
Modifying your IM settingsSelect Options→ Settings→ IM settings:
Options in the
Conversations list: Open,
Delete, Add to IM
contacts, New
conversation, Set auto
reply on, Blocking
options, End
conversation, Login,
Settings, Help, Exit.
•Use screen name (shown only if IM groups supported by the server) - To enter a
nickname (up to10 characters), select Yes.
•IM presence - To allow others to see if you are online, select Active for all.
•Allow messages from - To allow messages from all, select All.
•Allow invitations from - To allow invitations only from your IM contacts, select IM
contacts only. IM invitations are sent by IM contacts who want you to join their groups.
•Msg. scrolling speed - To select the speed at which new messages are displayed.
•Sort IM contacts - To sort your IM contacts Alphabetically or By online status.
•Availability reloading - To choose how to update information about whether your IM
contacts are online or offline, select Automatic or Manual.
Searching for IM groups and users• To search for groups, in the IM groups view, select Options→ Search. You can search
by Group name, Topic, and Members (user ID).
• To search for users, in the IM contacts view, select Options→ Search. You can search
by User's name, User ID, Phone number, and E-mail address.
R0915_en.book Page 81 Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:46 AM