Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
installation instructions can be found in the User’s Guide for Nokia PC Suite in Modem
options on the CD-ROM.
Connection manager
You may have multiple data connections active at the same time when you are using your
phone in GSM and UMTS networks. Press and select Connect. Conn. mgr. to view
the status of multiple data connections, view details on the amount of data sent and
received, and end connections. When you open Connection manager, you can see a list of:
Options in the
Connection manager
main view when there are
one or more connections:
Details, Disconnect,
Disconnect all, Help and
open data connections: data calls ( ), and packet data connections ( )
the status of each connection
the amount of data uploaded and downloaded for each connection (shown for packet
data connections only)
the duration of each connection (shown for data calls only).
Note: The actual time invoiced for calls by your service provider may vary,
depending on network features, rounding off for billing, and so forth.
To end a connection, scroll to a connection, and select Options Disconnect.
To close all currently open connections, select Options Disconnect all.

Viewing data connection details

To view the details of a connection, scroll to a connection, and select Options Details.
Name - The name of the Internet access point (IAP) in use, or ’Modem connection’ if
the connection is a dial-up connection.
Bearer - The type of data connection: Data call, High sp. GSM, or Packet data.
Status - The current status of the connection: Connecting, Conn.(inact.), Conn.(active),
On hold, Disconnctng., or Disconnected.
Received - The amount of data, in bytes, received to the phone.
Sent - The amount of data, in bytes, sent from the phone. Page 91 Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:46 AM