Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
installation instructions can be found in the User’s Guide for Nokia PC Suite in Modem
options on the CD-ROM.
Connection managerYou may have multiple data connections active at the same time when you are using your
phone in GSM and UMTS networks. Press and select Connect.→ Conn. mgr. to view
the status of multiple data connections, view details on the amount of data sent and
received, and end connections. When you open Connection manager, you can see a list of:
Options in the
Connection manager
main view when there are
one or more connections:
Details, Disconnect,
Disconnect all, Help and
• open data connections: data calls ( ), and packet data connections ( )
• the status of each connection
• the amount of data uploaded and downloaded for each connection (shown for packet
data connections only)
• the duration of each connection (shown for data calls only).
Note: The actual time invoiced for calls by your service provider may vary,
depending on network features, rounding off for billing, and so forth.
• To end a connection, scroll to a connection, and select Options→ Disconnect.
• To close all currently open connections, select Options→ Disconnect all.
Viewing data connection details
To view the details of a connection, scroll to a connection, and select Options→ Details.
•Name - The name of the Internet access point (IAP) in use, or ’Modem connection’ if
the connection is a dial-up connection.
•Bearer - The type of data connection: Data call, High sp. GSM, or Packet data.
•Status - The current status of the connection: Connecting, Conn.(inact.), Conn.(active),
On hold, Disconnctng., or Disconnected.
•Received - The amount of data, in bytes, received to the phone.
•Sent - The amount of data, in bytes, sent from the phone.
R0915_en.book Page 91 Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:46 AM