Menu functions
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mark the task as done or not done, delete the task, change its priority, send it
to a compatible device, open the calendar, or save the task to the calendar.
WalletIn the Wallet menu, you can save personal information, such as credit card
numbers, for paying for purchases with your phone in browser services which
support this function.
To access this menu: Press Menu in standby mode, and select Organiser and
Wallet. You can open the wallet also by pressing Options and selecting Other
options and Use wallet info in different browser services, see page 138.
When you open the wallet for the first time, you need to create your own wallet
code. At Create wallet code:, key in the code and press OK. Key in the code again at
Verify wallet code:. The code is requested when you open the wallet, if the Code
request setting is on.
If you want to delete the wallet contents and the wallet code, key in
*#7370925538# in standby mode and enter the phone’s security code.
Saving and changing personal card information
Before you can use the wallet, you need to save your credit card number and other
information needed in paying for purchases. This information is arranged in
setting groups called ’cards’.
To save information about a card, select Cards in the Wallet menu, select the
desired card, press Options and select View. Select
•Card info to save, for example, your credit card number