Menu functions
Copyright © 2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Emptying the cache memory
To empty the cache memory:
When no connection is in progress: Press Menu in standby mode, and select
Services and Clear the cache.
When a connection is in progress: Press Options and select Other options and
Clear the cache.
Security features for browser connections
Security features may be required for some services, such as banking services. For
such connections you need security certificates. For more information, contact
your service provider.


There are two kinds of certificates: server certificates and authority certificates.
Server certificates
The phone uses a server certificate to create a connection with improved
security to the service provider. The phone receives the server certificate from
the service provider before the connection is established and its validity is
checked using the authority certificates saved in the phone. Server certificates
are not saved. The phone indicates if the identity of the Internet server cannot
be verified, if the Internet server certificate is not authentic or if you do not
have the correct authority certificate in your phone.
The security indicator is displayed during a connection, if the data
transmission between the phone and the Internet server is encrypted.