Menu functions
Copyright © 2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.
User info to save your user name and password
Shipping info to save your contact information
Billing info to save the contact information if the invoicing address is not the
same as the shipping address, for example, when using a company credit card
Receipt info to save phone numbers and e-mail addresses where the service
provider can send you a receipt for your purchase
To copy, clear or rename a card, select Cards in the Wallet menu, select the desired
card, press Options and select the function you want.
Personal notes
You can also save personal notes in the wallet.
Select Personal notes in the Wallet menu. The phone shows a list of existing notes,
if any.
To create a personal note, press Add new if the note list is empty, or press
Options and select Add new if there are existing notes. Key in the note and its
If there are existing notes on the list, you can press Options and select an
option to delete or edit the selected note, add a new note, sort the notes by
name or by date, or delete all the notes.
To view a note on the list, press View. When the note is shown, press Edit to
modify the note, or press Options and sel ect a n opt ion t o sen d the note as a
text message, copy the note to the calendar, pick a number from the note (Use
number) or delete the note.