Opening visited pages
To view a list of Web pages and Web addresses that you have visited or tried to visit, press Menu, and select Information >
History list. You can scroll the list using the joystick or arrow keys. Note that you may only be able to see the title of the Web page.
To clear the history list, press Clear list.
Tip: To check the Web address of the page you are viewing, press Open Web address. To view a list of Web addresses
that you have entered in the Enter an address field, press the joystick down. Scroll to the Web address you want, and
press OK. The addresses of Web pages that you have visited using links on Web pages are not shown in the list.
Clearing the cache
A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. If you have tried to access or have accessed confidential
information requiring passwords, empty the cache after each use. The information or services you have accessed are stored in
the cache.
To clear the cache, press Menu, and select Tools > Clear > Clear cache.
Managing bookmarks
Your device may have some bookmarks loaded for sites not affiliated with Nokia. Nokia does not warrant or endorse these sites.
If you choose to access them, you should take the same precautions, for security or content, as you would with any Internet site.
To view a list of bookmarks, press Bookmarks.
To create a new bookmark, press New bookmark, enter the name and address of the bookmark, and press OK.
To open a bookmarked page, scroll to the bookmark, and press Go to.
To edit the name and address of a bookmark, scroll to the bookmark, and press Edit.
To create a new folder for bookmarks, press Menu, and select Bookmarks > Insert new folder.... Enter the name of the folder,
and press OK.
To rename a folder for bookmarks, select the folder, press Menu, and select Bookmarks > Rename folder.... Enter the name of
the folder, and press OK.
To save your bookmarks as a Web page, press Menu, and select Bookmarks > Export as HTML....
Browser settingsTo change the browser settings, press Menu, and select Tools > Settings....
Select the General page to edit:
•Home page address — Enter the address of the first page that opens when you open the browser. Press Use current if you
want to use the page that you have opened as a home page.
•Show images — Select whether you want to view all images on a Web page, no images on a Web page, or only those images
that have already been saved to the cache memory.
•Frame options — Select whether you want to view all frames on a Web page at the same time or one by one.
•Load in new window — Select the page that you want to open when you open a new browser window.
Select the Services page to edit:
•Use cookies — Select whether you want to accept all cookies, no cookies, or want the device to confirm every time a Web
page tries to save a cookie.
Tip: A cookie is a file containing information such as personal settings for a Web page.
•Enable plug-ins — Select whether you want to expand browser functionality with pre-installed plug-ins that enable the use
of Flash animations and other enhancements.
•Enable JavaScript — Select whether you want the Web pages that you open to use JavaScript™.
•Enable automatic redirection — Select whether you want to automatically move to another Web page if you try to open a
Web page with a redirection command.
Select the Advanced page to edit:
•Maximum cache size — Select how much space you want to allocate to the cache memory.
Tip: A cache is a memory location that is used to store data temporarily. If you have tried to access or have accessed
confidential information requiring passwords, empty the cache after each use.
•Empty cache on exit — Select whether you want to empty the cache when you close the browser.
•Empty history list on exit — Select whether you want to empty the list of visited Web pages when you close the browser.
•Delete cookies on exit — Select whether you want to remove all cookies from the device when you close the browser.
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