•PIN code request — If you set this option to On, the PIN code is requested each time the phone is switched on. Note that this
setting cannot be changed if the phone is switched off or if there is no valid SIM card inserted. Note also that some SIM cards
do not allow you to turn off the PIN code request.
•PIN code — Press Change to change the PIN code. The PIN code must be 4 to 8 digits long. Changing the PIN code requires
that PIN code request is selected, the device is on, and that there is a valid SIM card inserted.
•PIN2 code — Press Change to change the PIN2 code. The PIN2 code must be 4 to 8 digits long. The PIN2 code is required to
access some functions, such as the fixed dialing settings, which must be supported by your SIM card.
Changing the barring password
To change the password used for barring voice, fax, and data calls, select Security > Device security, and select the Call
barring page. Select the Barring password field, and press Change. Enter the current code, and then the new code twice. The
barring password must be four digits long.
Certificate manager
Important: Note that even if the use of certificates makes the risks involved in remote connections and software
installation considerably smaller, they must be used correctly in order to benefit from increased security. The existence
of a certificate does not offer any protection by itself; the certificate manager must contain correct, authentic, or trusted
certificates for increased security to be available. Certificates have a restricted lifetime. If Expired certificate or Certificate
not valid yet is shown even if the certificate should be valid, check that the current date and time in your device are
Before changing any certificate settings, you must make sure that you really trust the owner of the certificate and that
the certificate really belongs to the listed owner.
Digital certificates may be used for:
• connecting to an online banking service or another site or remote server to transfer confidential information
• reducing the risk of viruses or other malicious software, and checking the authenticity of software when downloading and
installing it
Managing certificates
Personal certificates are certificates that are issued to you. They are listed on the User page.
Authority certificates are on the Other page. They are used by some services, such as banking, for checking the validity of other
To add certificates, select Security > Certificate manager. Press Add to add a new certificate. You can then browse for the
certificate file. Press Delete to remove a selected certificate.
To check the authenticity of a certificate, select Security > Certificate manager. Select a certificate, and press View details. The
Issued to: field identifies the owner of this certificate. Make sure that this is the name of the party to whom the certificate
belongs. The Fingerprint: field uniquely identifies the certificate. Contact the help desk or customer service of the owner of the
certificate and ask for the MD5 fingerprint of the certificate. Compare the fingerprint with the one shown in the dialog to check
whether they match.
Tip: Check the authenticity of a certificate each time you add a new certificate.
To change the trust settings of a certificate, select Security > Certificate manager. Select the certificate, press View details, and
press Trust settings. Depending on the certificate, a list of the applications that can use the selected certificate is shown. Select
an application field, and change the value to Yes or No. Note that you cannot change the trust settings of a personal certificate.
To change the private key store password, select Security > Certificate manager, select the Password page, and press Change
password. Enter the current password, press OK, and enter the new password twice. You need the private key store password
when using personal certificates. The private key store contains the secret keys that come with personal certificates.
ExtrasGo to Desk > Tools > Control panel > Extras.
About product
To view the version number of the software, select Extras > About product, and scroll to the bottom of the dialog.
Location privacy
Some networks allow others to request the position of your device (network service). Note that a separate positioning module
is needed for this service.
Control panel
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