Nokia N-3100, N-3120 specifications Info Message Service, Overwrite text, picture, and e-mail

Models: N-3120 N-3100

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With the info message network service, you can receive short text messages from your service provider on various topics, such as weather and traffic conditions. Contact your service provider for more information.

Select Menu > Messages > Info messages and select one of the following:

Info service—Select On or Off to activate or deactivate the service.

Topics—Options for selecting, adding, editing, and deleting info topics.

Language—Select the language in which info messages are received. The language you select does not affect the language you select under the Phone settings menu.

Info topics saved on SIM card—Select one or more info topics to save to your SIM card.

MESSAGE SETTINGS Text, picture, and e-mail

1Select Menu > Messages > Message Settings > Text messages > Sending profile.

2If more than one message profile set is supported by your SIM card, select the set you want to change, and select one of the following:

Default recipient number—For text messages, the default number used to send messages.

Delivery reports—Request the network to send delivery reports on your messages. Use GPRS—Set GPRS as the preferred method of sending text messages.

Reply via same center—Allow the recipient of your message to send you a reply message using your message center (network service).

Rename sending profile—Change the name of the selected sending profile; the sending profile sets display only if your SIM card supports more than one set.

3Follow the prompts to change the selected setting.

Overwrite text, picture, and e-mail

When the message memory is full, your phone cannot send or receive any new messages. However, you can set your phone to automatically replace old messages in the Inbox and Sent items folders when new ones arrive.

1Select Menu > Messages > Message settings > Text messages.

2Select Overwriting in sent items or Overwriting in inbox.

3Select Allowed to replace the old messages with new ones in the Sent items or Inbox folder, respectively.

Nokia 3100 and Nokia 3120 User Guide


Copyright © 2004 Nokia

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Nokia N-3100 Info Message Service, Overwrite text, picture, and e-mail, Follow the prompts to change the selected setting