Nokia N-3100, N-3120 specifications Extras, Calculator, Countdown Timer

Models: N-3120 N-3100

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20 Extras

Extras include a calculator with currency exchange rate converter, countdown timer, stopwatch, and a voice recorder.


Basic calculations

The calculator in your phone adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, calculates the square and the square root, and converts currency values. Calculator has a limited accuracy and rounding errors may occur, especially in long division.

1Select Menu > Extras > Calculator and enter the first number in the calculation.

Note: Press the Pound key to insert a decimal point and press the Star key to cycle through the add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/) characters. Pause briefly to select the displayed character. To perform a square or square root calculation, select Options, then select either Square or Square root.

2Enter the second number in your calculation, then select Options > Equals.

Currency conversion

You can convert foreign currency to domestic or vice versa from the start screen.

1At the start screen, enter a currency amount to convert, then select Options, and select either To home or To foreign.

2Enter the exchange rate, if you have not done so already, and select OK.

Edit the exchange rate

1Select Menu > Extras > Calculator > Options > Exchange rate, then select either Foreign units in home units or Home units in foreign units.

2Enter the exchange rate and select OK.


You can set the alarm to ring after a period of lapsed time.

Note: The countdown timer only works when the phone is on. Once you turn off your phone, the timer is no longer active.

Set the timer

Select Menu > Extras > Countdown timer, enter the time in hh:mm format, select OK, enter a note and select OK.

Nokia 3100 and Nokia 3120 User Guide


Copyright © 2004 Nokia

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Nokia N-3100, N-3120 specifications Extras, Calculator, Countdown Timer