compatible device. Some networks, however, may only
support sending of multimedia messages with a maximum
size of 100 KB. Contact your network operator or service
provider for more information.
Add to album—Select whether you want to save the
recorded video clip to a certain album in Gallery. Select
Yes to open a list of available albums.
Show captured video—Select whether you want the first
frame of the recorded video clip to be shown on the display
after the recording stops. Select Options > Play to view
the video clip.
Default video name—Define the default name for video
Memory in use—Define the default memory store: device
memory or memory card (if inserted).
Edit video clips
To edit video clips in Gallery and create custom video clips,
scroll to a video clip, and select Options> Edit. See
‘Gallery’, p.31. You can create custom video clips by
combining and trimming video clips, and adding images,
sound clips, transitions, and effects. Transitions are visual
effects that you can add in the beginning and end of the
video or between the video clips.
In the video editor you can see two timelines: video clip
timeline and sound clip timeline. The images, text, and
transitions added to a video clip are shown on the video
clip timeline. To switch between the timelines, scroll up or

Edit video, sound, image, text, and


To create custom video clips, mark and select one or more
video clips, and select Options> Edit.
To modify the video, select from the following options:
Edit video clip:
Cut—Trims the video clip in the Cut video clip view.
Add colour effect—Inserts a color effect on the video clip.
Use slow motion—Slows the speed of the video clip.
Mute sound/Unmute sound—Mutes or unmutes the
original video clip sound.
Move—Moves the video clip to the selected location.
Remove—Removes the video clip from the video.
Duplicate—Makes a copy of the selected video clip.
Edit text (shown only if you added text)—To move, remove
or duplicate text; change the color and style of the text;