Maintenance Checklist (p.1 of 2)
Unit Serial #: ________ # of humidifiers: _____ Tag: _____________
Unit type: NHSC / NHDI Voltage: _____V/___ph Steam output: ____lbs./hr
Customer/Job: _______________ Address: _________________________________________________
Maintenance by: _____________ Date of maintenance:___/___/___
Type of maintenance:

Periodic maintenance, once per week:

- Inspect water and steam installation lines for leaks
- Inspect drain lines for clogging
- Inspect electrical installation for loose cables and damaged components.
- Inspect the humidifier for damage.

Minor servicing, when the yellow LED flashes and display indicates minor maintenance due:

- Carry out periodic inspection items
- Empty the steam cylinder and clean the mineral collector.

Major servicing, when the yellow LED flashes and display indicates major maintenance due:

- Carry out periodic inspection items
- Empty the steam cylinder and clean the mineral collector.
- Dismantle and clean the steam cylinder
- Clean the unit inner chamber
- Inspect the inside components for damage.
Note: Time interval between minor and major are set through rotary switch #2 on the control board.

Cleaning recommendations for the Steam cylinder, mineral collector tank (NHSC Only) and

steam cylinder (NHSC Only) insert:

- Drain unit completely including mineral collector tank drain
- Remove lime collector tank, remove steam cylinder
- Whenever possible, chip off or scrape off any scale coating
- Wash and rinse parts with lukewarm soap water (If components are heavily scaled, place them
in 8% formic acid until the scale has dissolved. Then treat components as previously described.)

Cleaning recommendations for heating elements:

- Wash and rinse heating with lukewarm soap water (If components are heavily scaled, place
them in 8% formic acid until the scale has dissolved. Then treat components as previously described.)
Warning: On no account remove scale coating on the heating element with tools or by striking. This
could damage the heating element.

Cleaning recommendations for internal plumbing components:

- Wipe down components inside the unit with a damp cloth (clean water).
- Severely scaled components should be cleaned using commercially available cleaning and
de-scaling agents.
Warning: Ensure electrical connections remain dry!!!
For more information on cleaning agents and formic acid, review notes in the installation manual.
NHSC / NHDI Electric Steam Humidifier