Meridian Communications Adapter
Meridian Communications AdapterAT dialing commands

AT dialing commands are similar to those used to make data calls using a Hayes

Smartmodem*. AT dialing is not case sensitive. Commands not found here do not

apply to using the Meridian Communications Adapter, and are not supported.

To user AT dialing: CTRL - z
ATA - Answer (answer incoming data call)
ATDn nn - Dial (n= 0 - 9, numbers to be dialed)
A/ - Repeat last command (no <CR> needed)
ATO - On-line (hit three Escape characters rapidly to
go off line)
ATDPnnnn - Voice Call (n= 0 - 9, * and #, numbers to dial)
ATF3 - Handsfree Mute (toggle between mute and
ATF4 - Hold (put Voice Call on hold)
ATF5 - Select (take Voice Call off hold)
ATH0 - Hang up Data Call
ATHP - Hang up Voice Call
ATIn - Product ID code (n= 0, 1, 4; if n= 0 then send
Smartmodem ID; if n= 1 then send result code
“206;” if n= 4 then send result codes
“a037800C004420” and “b100000000”)