Introducing your Meridian Digital Telephone
Auto Dial
lets you dial a specific telephone number by pressing a feature key.
To store an Auto Dial number:
ç1. Without lifting the handset, press Auto
Dial. The associated LCD
Indicator flashes º.
2. Dial the number.
ç3. Press Auto Dial again.
To use Auto Dial:
1. Lift the handset or
press a DN Key (see Note below).
ç2. Press Auto Dial. The stored number is
dialed automatically.
To display the Auto Dial number:
œ1. Press Display.
ç2. Press Auto Dial. The number is displayed.
Note: A DN (Directory Number) Key is used to
access a line on your telephone.
Placing a call on hold
Use the Hold feature to place a call on hol d. An example of where hold would be
useful would be to answer a call on a second line without disconnecting from your
original call.
To place a call on hold:
˙Press Hold. The LCD indicator º flashes
beside the line on hold.
The LCD indicator flashes slowly.
The caller may hear music if this is
programmed on your system.
To retrieve a call on hold:
∫ 2637 Press the DN Key beside the flashing LCD
indicator º.