Introduction to Keypad dialing
MCA parameter Keypad dialing notes
£Manual Data Call Dial £ and the far end number of the data device.
•Release Data Call Dial •.
‚fi Language Selection Listed as the first item in the Options Menu.
¤‚ Asynchronous Mode Dial ¤‚.
¤⁄ Synchronous Mode Dial ¤⁄.
¤¤ Baud Rate Dial ¤¤. Dial the digits for the actual baud rate e.g.,
¤‹ Space Parity Dial ¤‹.
¤› Odd Parity Press Options, select MCA data parameters, dial ¤›.
Press Options Key or Quit Key to end session.
¤fi Even Parity Dial ¤fi.
¤fl Mark Parity Dial ¤fl.
¤‡ Host Mode Dial ¤‡.
¤° Terminal Mode Dial ¤°.
¤· Hotline Off Dial ¤·.
‹‚ Hotline On Dial ‹‚.
‹⁄ Virtual Leased Line Off Dial ‹⁄.
‹¤ Virtual Leased Line On Dial ‹¤.
If a power failure occurs while Virtual Leased Line is on,
the MCA automatically calls back the Auto Dial number
when power returns.
‹‹ Forced DTR Off Dial ‹‹.
‹› Forced DTR On Dial ‹›.
This feature is useful for sending data to a printer or for
PC to PC connections where neither is configured as the