20Text conventions

brackets ([ ])

Indicate optional elements in syntax descriptions. Do not type the brackets when entering the command. For example, if the command syntax is

add user [epwd=] [priv={U, SU, SSU}] you can enter

add user name=james epwd=pword priv=u, or you can enter

add user james,

and leave out the terms shown in brackets.

ellipsis points (...)

Indicate that you repeat the last element of the command as needed. For example, if the command syntax is

ethernet/2/1 [] ...

you enter


and as many parameter-value pairs as needed.

italic text

Indicates book titles.

plain Courier text

Indicates system output such as prompts and system messages, for example:

Set Trap Monitor Filters.

separator (greater than symbol)

Shows menu paths. For example, File > SCS configuration identifies the SCS configuration option in the File menu.

vertical line ( )

Indicates the choices. Do not type the vertical line when entering the command. For example, if the command syntax is

check sub [sub]=<subid> sub=<subname> [isp]=<ispname> you can enter

check sub sub=345 isp=blue


check sub sub=james isp=blue

Nortel Secure Network Access Switch

Documentation Roadmap

NN47230-103 01.01 Standard

28 July 2008

Copyright © 2008 Nortel Networks

Page 20
Image 20
Nortel Networks NN47230-103 Brackets, Ellipsis points, Italic text, Plain Courier text, Separator greater than symbol