RECIPES (Continued)
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
2 2/3 cups granulated sugar 2 Tbsp corn starch
½ tsp salt 1 /12 tsp vanilla
6 cups milk 4 eggs, beaten
2 cups heavy cream 1 1/3 cups half and half
1 ½ cup chocolate chips 1 cup peanut butter or melted peanut butter chips
Mix the sugar, corn starch, and salt in a large saucepan. Ov er medium heat, slowly stir in
the milk, stirring constantly. Very slowly, add the beate n eggs and continue to stir. Reduce
heat to low and cook until mixture thickens slightly. S lowly stir in peanut butter and whisk
until all peanut butter is combined and mixture is smoot h. Slowly add vanilla, half and half,
and heavy cream. Pour into a large glass bowl and refri gerate for 2-4 hours or until mixture
has chilled. Remove from refrigerator. Pour mixture i nto the mixing canister and follow the
directions in the “Instructions” section. Do not fill the m ixing canister more than 2/3 full, as
the mixture will expand during freezing. Stir in chocol ate chips once ice cream is finished
churning and stir evenly.