19. With one hand on the canister lid, remove the motor from the wooden bucket. Be
careful as the canisters will have a tendency to float in t he ice water mixture.
20. Clear the ice and salt away from the top of the ice cream canisters. Wipe carefully to
remove the salt and water before removing the cover.
21. Take the dasher out and scrape off excess ice cre am with a spatula.
22. Transfer to a freezable container and freeze, or s erve straight from the canister. Lids
are included if you want to use the canisters to store in the freezer.
* If you are only making one canister, make sure to use the Top Canister.
Helpful Hints
For each batch of ice crea m, expect to use 1-2 medium size bags of ice.
Many ice cream mixtures us e raw eggs. To eliminate salmonella from your egg
mixture, heat it to a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenhei t, but do not boil it.
This will make the ice cream safe to eat. You may also use pasteurized eggs in
place of raw eggs.
Be sure to add mixture to canister and chill for 30 minutes prior to use.
To avoid ice cream seep ing out of the canister, do not lay the canister sideways
when storing in a freezer.
For ice cream recipes that require pre-cooking, it is recommended that you make
the mixture a day ahead. The mixture will then have t ime to cool completely and
expand. Pre-chilling any ice cream recipe is suggested for achieving the best
Artificial sweeteners may b e substituted for sugar. Use the following proportions
for reference:
1 packet of sweetener = 2 tsp. of sugar
6 packets = ¼ cup / 8 packets = 1/3 cup / 12 packets = ½ cup
The texture of my ice cream is too hard or
A hard or grainy ice cream texture may be
due to one of the following:
Be sure that once you start churning, you
DO NOT stop. Stopping for any length of
time while churning can cause large ice
crystals to form in the mixture.
Pay close attention to the amount of rock
salt used during the making of your ice
cream. Adding too much salt can cause
the mixture to freeze too quickly, which
may lead to the formation of ice crystals in
your ice cream.