VI. Advanced Server Configuration
The MCS Configuration utility allows you to adjust advanced settings associated with
the control protocol and the host PC. You should only make changes to these settings if
you are familiar with all the concepts in the section, or you have been instructed by
Autonomic Controls support.
Making incorrect changes in this utility can cause the host PC or the Music Port Client to
stop working.
From the start menu select All Programs and select Autonomic Controls, Media Control
Server/MCS Configuration. On the Control Server tab you will observe several settings.
Network Control
This setting establishes the port number on which Music Port Client will communicate
with the host PC. This should only be changed if you have a known conflict and have
been instructed to do so by Autonomic Controls support. If the Music Port Client will be
accessing the host PC through a hardware firewall (through the internet), then you
must configure the firewall to forward requests on this port to the IP address of the
host PC. The installation utility will open the default port (5004) on the Windows
Firewall during installation. If you change this setting, you must manually re-
configure the Windows Firewall to allow communication on this port. Remember, the
Windows Firewall is effective even when communicating within your LAN.
Serial Control
Serial control is used when you have licensed Autonomic Control's Integration
Development Kit, and is documented in the MCS Control Protocol Documentation.
Serial control is also used when a third party automation device is used to control the
Grand Concerto or Essentia E6G. For more information on this see the white paper,
“Using Third Party Automation Device with the Music Port” located on the NuVo
Website Prozone.