Figure 32 - Manually Connecting to the Music Port
Navigating the Music Library
When the Client is opened, it will default to the “Now Playing” window, Fig. 33. This
window features the album art (if availalbe) for the selected album along with the
artist, album and track information. Clicking on the album art will open a list of the
individual tracks. The currently selected track will be highlighted by a representation
of an audio spectrum analyzer.
Basic browsing is available through a series of buttons to the left of the current album
art. Clicking on Albums, Artists, or Genres will take you to the music library, Fig. 34.
Navigation through the library features the ability to quickly access the available
music by alphabet. Clicking on a letter of the alphabet will move to selections starting
with that letter. You can scroll across the alphabet by left clicking and pulling the
curser across the letters. Each letter will expand as you scroll over it, Fig. 35. Releasing
the left mouse button on a letter will move the library to that letter. Track forward and
back, play/pause, shuffle, repeat, volume and mute transport control is available at
the bottom of the Now Playing interface.