SA58670A_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 02 — 23 October 2008 6 of 24
NXP Semiconductors SA58670A
2.1 W/channel stereo class-D audio amplifier
9. Dynamic characteristics[1] VDD is the supply voltage on pins PVDD and pin AVDD.
Table 5. Dynamic characteristics
C; R
; unless otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Pooutput power per channel; f = 1kHz; THD+N = 10 %
RL=8Ω; VDD= 3.6 V - 0.72 - W
RL=8Ω; VDD= 5.0 V - 1.4 - W
RL=4Ω; VDD= 5.0 V - 2.1 - W
THD+N total harmonic
distortion-plus-noise VDD = 5.0 V; Gv(cl)= 6 dB; f=1kHz
Po=0.5 W - 0.11 - %
Po=1.0 W - 0.14 - %
SVRR supply voltage ripple
rejection Gv(cl) =6 dB; f = 217 Hz
VDD= 3.6 V - −73 - dB
VDD =5.0 V - −77 - dB
CMRR common mode rejection
ratio VDD= 5.0 V; Gv(cl) = 6 dB; f = 217 Hz - −69 - dB
Ziinput impedance Gv(cl)= 6 dB - 28.1 - kΩ
Gv(cl) =12 dB - 17.3 - k Ω
Gv(cl) =18 dB - 9.8 - k Ω
Gv(cl) =24 dB - 5.2 - k Ω
td(sd-startup) delay time from
shutdown to start-up VDD = 3.6 V - 3.5 - ms
Vn(o) output noise voltage VDD= 3.6 V; f = 20 Hz to 20 kHz;
inputs are AC grounded
no weighting - 35 - µV
A weighting - 27 - µV