C8800 User’s Guide
Which Printer Driver to Use?_______________Windows Your printer comes with drivers for
•Adobe® PostScript® (PS ).
You can install only one driver, or all of these drivers.
Your choice depends upon your printing requirements.
Choose this if you use TrueType fonts, and you do not
print PostScript (including “.eps” files) graphics.
This is more efficient and gives good results.
Choose this if you use PostScript fonts or print PostScript
Pe r f or m a nc e is f a st e r . G r a ph i cs p r in t a t t h ei r b es t q ua l i ty .
NOTE:The line art graphics in this manual are PostScript.
If you plan to print parts of this manual, choose the PostScript
driver. Otherwise, the line art graphics print at low resolution.
The print quality may not be satisfactory.
If neither driver seems to cover all your needs, you should
install both drivers. Select the same printer port (LPT1 or
Network Port) for both drivers during the installation.
Set the driver you plan to use most of the time to be your
Windows default driver. Most applications allow you to choose
a different printer from within the print dialog, so you can use
the alternative driver for printing whenever you need to.